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Propane Contract Options

At South Central FS, we have a variety of payment options for your propane purchases to make life easier for you! Our fall/winter propane contract options allow you to lock-in your propane rate for the heating season to take the unpredictability out of fluctuating price changes. We also offer a budget billing program to spread the cost of propane evenly over 11 months. This consistent monthly payment makes it easier to budget for your propane needs over the course of the year.

Budget Billing propane contracts are typically renewed in April. Fall/Winter propane contracts are typically completed in the June/July timeframe. You can contact us at anytime throughout the year to discuss contract options and complete a contract, even if it is outside the typical contract period.

1. Prepaid Contract - 100% Down

If you choose our Prepaid Contract option, you will lock in a discounted price for prepaying your estimated gallons. You would need to send your full pre-payment with your signed contract no later than July 1, 2024. If your propane purchases are taxable, the sales tax must be included in the total payment due.

Contract Terms:

  • You will be placed on scheduled delivery. Scheduled delivery means the salesman will monitor your supply and deliver as needed to make sure you do not run out. 
  • All prepaid gallons are expected to be taken. If not taken, we reserve the right to invoice $.10 a gallon on unused gallons under 80% of contracted gallons.
  • Gallons delivered in excess of those contracted will be at the price at the time of delivery and payment will be due the 25th of the following month.
  • No contract gallons will be delivered after March 25, 2025. All terms, quantities and conditions of this agreement are null and void as of the expiration date of this contract, March 25, 2025.

2. Reserve Contract - $0.10 Down

If you choose our Reserve Contract option, you will lock in a discounted price for prepaying $0.10 per gallon contracted. At the time of delivery, you will be invoiced the remaining price per gallon as a result of prepaying $0.10 per gallon. Prepayment for the total number gallons contracted multiplied by $0.10, along with your signed contract, should be sent in no later than July 1, 2024. 

Contract Terms:

  • You will be placed on scheduled delivery. Scheduled delivery means the salesman will monitor your supply and deliver as needed to make sure you do not run out. 
  • If you fail to take delivery of the reserve contract gallons by the final delivery date, as specified in this agreement, the $0.10 per gallon prepayment will be forfeited.
  • Gallons delivered in excess of those contracted will be at the price at the time of delivery and payment will be due the 25th of the following month.
  • No contract gallons will be delivered after March 25, 2025. All terms, quantities and conditions of this agreement are null and void as of the expiration date of this contract, March 25, 2025.

3. Regular Contract - No Prepayment

The Regular Contract option allows you to lock in a price for your estimated gallons and be billed as your propane is delivered. No prepayment is required.

Contract Terms:

  • You will be placed on scheduled delivery. Scheduled delivery means the salesman will monitor your supply and deliver as needed to make sure you do not run out. 
  • We reserve the right to charge a $.10 per gallon fee on regular contracts for unused gallons under 80% of contracted gallons. 
  • Gallons delivered in excess of those contracted will be at the price at the time of delivery and payment will be due the 25th of the following month.
  • No contract gallons will be delivered after March 25, 2025. All terms, quantities and conditions of this agreement are null and void as of the expiration date of this contract, March 25, 2025.

4. Budget Billing Program - Even Monthly Payments

With the 11-month Budget Billing Program, you have a fixed payment per month for 11 months for your propane needs. The monthly budget is calculated with the estimated propane usage for the plan year based on past year's usage. That estimate is multiplied by the locked-in price per gallon, plus sales tax, and divided by 11 monthly payments. The first payment is due by May 25th and the last payment is due by March 25th. After March 25th, April is the catch-up month for any gallons purchased over the contracted amount.

Budget Billing Contract Terms:

  • You will be placed on scheduled delivery. Scheduled delivery means the salesman will monitor your supply and deliver as needed to make sure you do not run out. 
  • This contract will automatically renew every year in April.  Your monthly payment for future contract years may vary based on your usage history and current market prices. You will receive a communication in the mail regarding your usage history and new monthly total each year.
  • Gallons delivered beyond the contract quantity will be billed at our current market retail price at time of purchase.
  • You can cancel this contract at any time by notifying the South Central FS Corporate Office. If you choose to cancel your contract, any outstanding contract balance will be immediately due in full.
  • End-of-contract credit balances will be carried over and factored into the following year’s payment calculation, unless a refund is requested.

Contact Us

Would you like more information on our propane contract options? Fill out the form below and one of our propane team members will contact you within 2 business days.

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